From Binance Smart Chain

How to Swap?

  1. Open, connect to your wallet (Metamask) on the top right. Click “Connect to a wallet”.

2. Choose the network you wish to swap to.

3. After step 2, we get to this page, and you can choose a network (Here we use MATIC Mainnet as an example)

4. Approval needs to be made the first time you connect to a network here. Click “Approve”.

5. Click “Switch” network.

6. Once you are all set, click “Swap” from the left side menu.

7. Chose the network (e.g.FTM mainnet) that you wish to swap to.

8. Input the amount of tokens on the “From” entry bar.

9. Click “Swap”, a Metamask window pops up and you can set gas fees and then click “Confirm”.

Last updated